Musical Memories and Fun with Music Together Resonate

Musical Memories and Fun with Music Together Resonate

music together beaverton kids music activities

Musical Moments with our Musically Born Children

Childhood and parenting can be long days and even longer nights mixed in with years that pass us by extremely fast.

Warming up coffee multiple times… too many times, we lose count.

music together at home zoom
photo credit: Kristy Reed

Mommies and/or daddies embrace the smelly diapers, burping, and loss of sleep in the early years, and yet, parenting and spending time with our little ones and loving the little years are so valuable, memorable, challenging, and precious in the ways we remember them.

Stepping foot in baby storytimes at the library, meeting new parents, and submerging in activities that are family-friendly and fun.

Make music!

As a parent, we may feel at times that our singing and/or dancing would embarrass ourselves to our children or embarrass our children.

In this music-making journey, it is quite the opposite. Our children love it when we are silly, sing and dance with them.

As we interact with them throughout the day, singing a task or singing a request (“bye-bye toys” with a musical tune) oftentimes brings the child to respond in a positive manner and it is also soothing for us too.

I do believe that we are all born with some form of innate musical ability, though, we may not feel like it at times.

Music Together Resonate (MTR) truly cultivates a memorable, nurturing, and musical experience that is immensely cherished and valued.

music together singing and dancing in class
photo credit: Jenny Osborn

We enrolled our little one in an in-person Fall Quarter Music Together class term in 2017 when he was around 6 months old. Our music-making journey and memories have continued to evolve ever since.

I was often questioned and received statements, “Isn’t he too young for that? What will he take in?” I felt quite the opposite.

Kayla Hughes, the director at MTR pours her heart out to all the families in the music-making moments.

Every class is well-organized with a consistent flow for every child and parent to know. Mixed in with songs, new manipulatives to go with each weekly theme submerging ourselves in musical awareness that truly connects the benefits of music-making.

The joy, devotion, quality, and passion Kayla has for all the families enrolled in MTR is truly the best experience, development, and exposure we can give to our children.

music together beaverton at music class
photo credit: Kristy Reed

Especially, now that all classes have moved online, we are dancing, singing, learning, and being silly with our children in the comfort of our homes from anywhere around the world with Kayla.

Though online classes may not fully be the experience we had in-person at the studio, Kayla has not missed a step in making the online classes engaging with each child and family.

She truly listens to each child and their ideas that bring all the families together in making music.

Music is so pleasing to the soul, brings on creativity, imagination, relaxation, and togetherness all encompass in one class. Also making musical moments in and outside of class or even in the car!

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Kayla has an array of music class options throughout the year and the four seasons.

She is currently enrolling for the online Winter 2021 term.

Class options are Mixed Ages (0-5) and Rhythm Kids (4-8) and Interactive Class for Parents (non-mobile babies) online and Guitar for Grown-Ups (taught by Joe Harchanko) at various times during the week.

There is a class for everyone and every stage of the early years to immerse in musical moments and the adults alike.

Music in our family has also brought in soothing opportunities for our son to sing to himself while playing and at bedtime.

music together beaverton at home play
photo credit: Danielle Boyles

It’s calming and therapeutic for us all, the song collections in each term brought to us from Music Together Worldwide are relatable, provides connection and inner passions we didn’t know we had before.

There have been at least two songs we have favored from each term in the last 4 years.

Added plus, the songs jump back into our minds even from past terms or when reading books aloud. Humming the tunes and even making up our own lyrics to the Music Together tunes. Now that’s brilliant!

The songs are catchy and also bring in cultural awareness too. Can’t go wrong with music that plays back in our memories!!

Plus, tuition includes a well-illustrated book that follows each song. A family favorite to sit with during quiet time.

Lastly, the songs are yours to keep via the app and one cd with code once enrolled in the term.

They are memorable favorites I know our family has held dear and your family will enJOY too.

I encourage families to genuinely consider trying one demo class and enrolling in a term with Kayla. Especially, when many of us are home and not all of us have the social interactions we once had.

Each week will be a child’s consistent comfort, passion, learning opportunity and excitement to look forward to and see their peers and family members all taking part in musical moments in the 30 to 40-minute class with Kayla (depending on class enrolled).

Memories of a lifetime, the life-long musical benefits, and in our hearts.

Truthfully, the online classes have also been an outlet for my husband and me.

Brings us out of the everyday stressors and adulting tasks that can wait. Unfolds a memorable musical time to unplug and savor the music-making process with our little one and more importantly, for us too, as adults.

music together beaverton at home music class
photo credit: Kristy Reed

Explore Music Together Resonate’s website and you will not regret the experience, education, consistency, and exposure your child(ren) will have in their early years that will be a lifelong memory to take with them as they grow.

The foundational years in music-making will flourish in their educational, social, mental, and emotional growth in years to come.

Follow and like the handles (Instagram and Facebook) for updates on Music Together Resonate announcements for all future classes (online, winter, spring, fall, summer, park singalongs (local to Beaverton and Salem, OR), holiday classes, the countdown to the new year, and sometimes added special events Kayla will surprise the studio with).

This post has no affiliate relationship or compensation from Music Together Resonate. We simply love the class and want to tell everybody about it! Professional photos by Jenny Osborn Photography

Let us know down in the comments if you have enrolled in the class before and how your kids enJOY(ed) it.

To register for a Music Together class and find out more information follow the link below.

Music Together Resonate Register

Note: When our family enrolled our child in the Music Together program with Kayla, the studio was named, Music Together Beaverton. In the mid to late 2020 year, Music Together Beaverton and Music Together Salem with Mrs. D became one studio. February 2021 was the release of a very thoughtful and “resonate-ing” name for the two wonderful studios becoming one big family-Music Together Resonate (MTR). Directed and owned by Kayla Hughes. Same awesome program. New name.

Mom Money Kids

Stephanie is a former preschool teacher with a Bachelor's degree in early childhood education. Joe is a business owner/contractor with a Bachelor's degree in animal science. Together, we are a husband and wife blogging team, that love creating educational printables, homeschooling our two children, and living on our small homestead. We started Mom Money Kids back in 2020 to inspire families to start their own blogs to help them escape the rat race and be able to spend more time with their children at home. Mom Money Kids offers content that helps families save money, make money, and educate their children.

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